I blame facebook for me starting this journey, I see the words Fine Art and I click on it, next thing I know I'm talking to a consultant at OUA and I'm signed up to do a BA majoring in Fine Art and Visual Culture. I had never thought to physically go to university, I was sure that if I did I would be thrown out pretty quickly after I had told them they were a lot of pretentious wankers. I wasn't a great fan of what they call contemporary art and even less of the drivel that I had seen written by some artists to explain their work. I've now completed ten units so I guess I might have mellowed a little! The powers that be gave me RPL for 8 units (that's a years worth), so I landed straight in second year and had no idea whatsoever of what was expected.
The first 2nd-year unit that produced any images worth including involved ways to pour paint, I called the above one "Mars Bar Melt"!
This was another of my favourites, as was this one done on perspex.
That same unit also went into some other techniques, impasto and grattage among them and ended with having to produce some works using these techniques only using three colours and we had to finish this sentence with one word - My paintings will make you feel................. My word was - anxious.
At this point I thought it might not be so bad after all and I might as well continue............